You can play up to eight players online which is cool because you don’t all have to be in one place. If you don’t like to take your time, try the goblins out. The elves are best at destroying armies because their very powerful archers. The elves have a ring hero on their side, but they still have to find the one ring. Gimli is a one dwarf army because of his slayer spell. King Dain is good at giving leadership points. The dwarfs are the best besieging team because of their demolishers and catapults. The heroes of the dwarves are King Dain, Gloin, and gimli. Hills catapult, dwarven demolisher, and dwarven fortress. Then for dwarves, there are dwarven guardians, dwarven phalanx pikemen, dwarven axe throwers, men of dale archer horde, battle wagon, Iron The heroes are gorlifindel,Īrwen, haldir, Elrond, legolas, thrandruil, Galadriel, and treebeard. For the elves, there are Rivendell lancers, mithlond, sentries, lorien warriors, the ents, Lorien archers, and mirkwood archers. The heroes are the goblin king, Shelob, Drogoth the dragon lord. In these new teams, there are the goblin archers, goblin warriors and spiderlings, spider riders, half-troll marauders, cave trolls, mountain giants and fire drakes. There’s three new teams: dwarves, elves and goblins. There are new places and you can build anywhere, and new battles from the movie. Also there are no more Morodor Gronds and no more riders of Rohan. They combined Gondor and Rohan to make men of the west. There are new units for the old factions and heroes that are the wild men of Dunland, Sharku, Wormtounge, Fell beasts and Mouth of Sauron. There are a few changes from the original game and these are what they are. It is based on the movie, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. This game is a PC game for Windows XP and for Xbox 360.